Introducing the Museum

This new century has brought with it increased globalization and aging of societies, and the earth’s environment has experienced significant negative changes in recent years. Against this backdrop, we believe it is all the more important to enrich our minds, rather than pursuing the economic and material wealth that we have focused on to date.
By exposing ourselves to excellent works of art in our everyday lives, we encounter a variety of discoveries and experiences. These include the artistic culture that surrounds us in Japan, which closely coexists with the natural world, brimming with the precious lives of all living things, and people’s strong vitality to live through hard times. Today, more than ever, there is deep meaning in reexamining our cultural properties, for they are a crucial key to enrichment of the mind going forward, as well.
How do we make effective use of works of art in our lifestyles, and hand them down to future generations? As our first step toward helping to address this major proposition, we established the Shusui Museum of Art General Incorporated Foundation. We, the people of the Foundation, believe that it is critical that we contribute not only to the local community, but to society as a broader whole.
The Museum’s collection features a focus on Japanese paintings and craft items from the middle ages through the modern era. Our activities are built around these works, sharing these uniquely Japanese works of art born of the country’s long history of tradition and spirituality.
One of the major visions of the Shusui Museum of Art General Incorporated Foundation is to work toward the self-actualization of all visitors to the Museum. Looking forward, we hope to serve as a bridge connecting people with the appeal and significance of Japanese art and craft items, as our way of contributing to society.
About Our Collection

The Shusui Museum of Art’s collection features a focus on Japanese craft items from the middle ages through the modern era. The Museum’s activities are built around these works, sharing these uniquely Japanese works of art, born of the country’s long history of tradition and spirituality.
Concept Video
Located against a backdrop of the Tateyama Mountain Range and Toyama’s other majestic natural beauty, the Shusui Museum of Art expresses the beauty of Japan. This video poetically depicts the workings of nature and human technique, fundamentally connected to the works in the Museum’s collection.